Natural Remedies for Headaches
Massage and Acupressure
A close relative to the ancient Chinese technique of acupuncture, acupressure involves putting pressure on specific points of the body to release blocked or congested energy. Press one hand against the indentation behind your head at the base of your skull. At the same time, use the thumb and forefinger of your other hand to press the upper portions of your eye sockets, right beside the bridge of the nose and slightly below the eyebrows. Apply light pressure initially, then press a bit harder and hold for three to five minutes. Repeat this throughout the day if headache pain returns.
Massage therapists advise patients to alleviate headache pain by pushing on the top of the skull with your fingertips for 30 seconds, repeating at least three times in a row while taking deep breaths.
Herbs and Aromatherapy
A warm bath with drops of lavender, rosemary or chamomile added can soak away pain. If you don't have time for a bath, try adding a drop or two of these oils to a wet washcloth and draping it across your forehead.
A review in the 2007 edition of "American Family Physician" indicated that peppermint oil is effective at treating headaches and digestive upsets. Simply rub a few drops of the oil onto your temples. Be careful not to use too much. Never use this oil on babies or young children; it can cause serious respiratory side effects.
The herb feverfew, used to treat fevers in ancient times, holds promise as a preventative and pain reliever for migraines, according to a study in Britain in which 70 percent of the people surveyed felt better after eating two to three leaves of the herb on a daily basis. Try this remedy by taking 100 to 300 mg of feverfew capsules up to three times daily for up to 16 weeks.
If your headaches become chronic and interfere with your normal activities, or if you find that neither natural remedies or over-the-counter medications offer relief from headache pain, consult with your doctor for advice. It's important to rule out physical illnesses or conditions as potential causes of your headaches.