Acupressure for Migraine Relief
Accupressure treats the cause of migraine pain by normalizing circulation, allowing muscles to receive more oxygen. The muscles relax, tension is relieved, and pain fades. Rest and sleep are restorative once a migraine has begun. Accupressure can relieve symptoms at the start, making it possible to continue work and social interaction without interruption.
Acupressure originated in ancient China. Pain is thought to be the result of energy blockages, and by stimulating points on the human body, blockages can be relieved and normal health restored. Modern theories are that pressure points distract attention and interrupt nerve pathways so that the nerve transmissions of pain do not reach the mind. To migraine sufferers, how it works is not as important as the fact that it does work, and researchers have validated the effectiveness of self-acupressure, also called auto-acupressure: "Auto-acupressure replaced outpatient prescriptions for analgesics, ergotamine preparations, steroids, propanolol or methysgeride. The value of auto-acupressure was enhanced by its easy availability of application and lack of toxic effects" (Treatment of Headache Pain with Auto-acupressure, H. Kurland, 1976).
These acupressure techniques can be done alone or with the help of other healing hands:
Use the thumb at the back of the neck to apply pressure beneath the skull. Press up firmly for 1 to 2 minutes. Use a fingertip or eraser to press at the base of the thumb on the back of the hand in the web between thumb and index finger. Alternatively, grasp the web between the thumb and index fingers of the other hand and hold firmly for 2 to 3 minutes. Alternate sides and repeat.
If the headache starts in the side of the head, press on the opposite shoulder. Find a depression between the top of the shoulder and the side of the neck. It should feel slightly tender. Press firmly for 1 to 2 minutes. Do not use this point in pregnancy. Again, use the foot opposite the side the pain started on, and press in the web inside the big toe. Hold for 1 minute.
Headaches that are caused by exertion or sexual activity, bending, coughing, or that accompany stiff neck and fever, head injury or vomiting, or symptoms of slurred speech, distorted vision or numbness and tingling anywhere on the body should be evaluated immediately by a physician.