Headache Treatment Guidelines
OTC Headache Medications
Over-the-counter medications are usually effective when taken at the first sign of a headache. Medications stop pain caused by inflammation or tension. And one dose is generally enough to calm the ache. Available medications include acetaminophen, ibuprofen and aspirin. For best results, take as directed.
Cold Therapy
Purchase or borrow an ice pack (or use a package of frozen vegetables), and place the cold compress on your forehead for 10 minutes and then remove for 10 minutes. Cold therapy effectively alleviates headaches by numbing soreness, reducing tension and stopping inflammation.
Being overly tired or sleeping only a few hours a night may contribute to frequent headaches. To stop chronic headaches, sleep at least eight hours a night. If you suffer from insomnia or other sleep problems, create a comfortable sleep environment. Choose a comfortable mattress and pillow, turn off the television and maintain a comfortable room temperature.
Relax and Reduce Anxiety
A dull ache or tightness around the forehead is likely due to tension or stress. Getting rid of this type of headache involves relaxing your body and mind. Cold therapy and rest can reduce tension. But if this doesn't work, you'll need to employ other techniques. Stress management methods, such as taking a bath, getting a massage, doing breathing exercises and engaging in physical activity are quick remedies for stress and anxiety.
Maintain Healthy Eyes
Frequent straining to see objects can trigger headaches. What's more, looking at a computer monitor for hours a day can lead to headaches. Visit an eye doctor yearly to have your eyes examined. If necessary, she will prescribe eyeglasses to correct your vision, which should ultimately alleviate headaches. And if your occupation requires computer work, rest your eyes by taking frequent computer breaks.
Cluster and Migraine Headaches
Cluster headaches and migraines are also common, and each type requires specific treatment. Cluster headaches arise suddenly and last for several minutes. These painful headaches occur in series, and each episode or period can last for several weeks. Alcohol, stress, bright lights and lack of sleep can trigger cluster headaches. And treatment often entails taking prescription steroids or breathing in oxygen.
Migraines are a severe type of headache, and symptoms can include a throbbing pain, nausea, light sensitivity and chills. Food choice and sleep patterns can trigger an attack. Lie down in a dark, quiet room and position a cool cloth on your forehead to get rid of a migraine or reduce the severity of a migraine. For frequent headaches, doctors may recommend drugs such as antidepressants or antiseizure medications.