How to Handle Constant Daily Headaches
Visit your doctor first. Seriously, because chances are he'll want to run some tests, and schedule you for appointments you'll need to wait for and if you can make them go away on your own- that's awesome, but if you try everything else and decide you need medical attention, then at least the process has already started. If they're able to pick up a medical reason for your headaches, then that's a bonus.
Drink more water. Cut all carbonated and caffeinated beverages from your diet and begin drinking water. Artificial sweeteners have been linked to migraine (constant daily) headaches and so have food preservatives. Avoiding processed foods in favor of real foods is good, not only for headache prevention, but for your entire body. Add more fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains and yogurt to your diet, and drink more water.
Try over-the-counter medications. Pain reliever that's specifically made for migraines will often have trace amounts of caffeine, which can help your body absorb the medication faster. Try using a sinus relief medication because sinus infections can cause terrible headaches, and they can last for years and years with no symptoms (other than that headache.) Check the labels for something that "relieves sinus pressure." If this remedy works, tell your doctor. A severe sinus infection can cause long term damage and will likely not go away without nasal irrigation, or antibiotics or even surgery.
Lighten up. If your headache is stress-induced, take a little time each day to re-align yourself with your goals. Are you working too hard? Do you need a break? Is there something you can do to make life easier? Would you benefit from a vacation, a personal assistant, live-in help around the house or perhaps a step down in your lifestyle. Life shouldn't be so difficult. Are you making it difficult for yourself. In reality, you have more control over things than you realize because you control how you react. Are you reacting in ways that make life difficult?
Wear sunglasses and headphones. Bright lights and loud noises can make a headache worse. Breathe deeply, as much fresh air as you can, to get Oxygen into your bloodstream, and try to stay away from things that make your headache worse. Even strong odors can bother a sensitive head.
Experiment with aromatherapy. Essential oils not only smell nice, but some, like garlic, clove, lavender and peppermint, serve a medicinal purpose, too. Herbs for headaches are commonly used in a tea form, or as an inhalant, or with a vaporizer.