Fast Relief of Headaches
Over-the-counter Remedies
Acetaminophen which is the main ingredient in many over-the-counter fast acting headache relief recipes, is a common headache medication. Acetaminophen works by isolating the cause of the headache pain and directing the medication to the afflicted area. Another choice for fast relief of headaches is ibuprofen which works the same was as acetaminophen, with a focus on anti-inflammatory aspect of fast headache relief. Both acetaminophen and ibuprofen are available over-the-counter and without a prescription.
Homeopathic Remedies
Some companies claim that homeopathic remedies will offer fast relief of a headache by using acupressure and pressure points. Locating the proper pressure point for the affected area is a tricky procedure.
Using acupressure to the fatty part of your hand in between your thumb and forefinger is believed to offer fast relief of headache pain. While acupressure is not a proven science for fast relief of headache pain, it has been found to be beneficial in some types of tension, sinus and even migraine headaches.
Prescription Remedies
When you suffer from prolonged headache pain getting fast relief may sound impossible. However, there are prescription remedies that you can discuss with your doctor. For example if you suffer from debilitating migraine headaches at least once a week, your doctor may opt to prescribe you a medication to treat the pain. Migraine headaches are often associated with other symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and dizziness, these symptoms are what set apart a migraine headache from other types.
If you suffer from ongoing tension headaches then your doctor may opt to prescribe you a muscle relaxant drug, which is believed to offer fast relief of tension headaches.
Fast relief from a sinus headache can be obtained by a prescription that utilizes an antihistamine element which is believed to offer fast relief in sinus headaches.