Home Cure for Migraine Headaches
Gently massage the areas that are the origin of the pain. Allow muscles to relax first, then massage the face, head, neck, and shoulders. There are two pressure points on the backside of the neck that should be the central focus. With the index and middle fingers of both hands, feel the points at the base of the skull that are approximately two inches apart. Press against these two points for two minutes. This will dispense endorphins that fight pain. Roll head around in a circular motion about eight to ten times, and then lean the head to the left. Massage the neck muscles on the right side for a minute, lean the head to the right, and then massage neck muscles on left side.
Things To Avoid
When fighting migraine pain, there are a couple of things that should be avoided -- stress and exercise. Stress related activities can exacerbate a migraine headache. Do not engage in any activity that may cause physical or mental pressure. The same goes for exercise. While working out can improve overall health and well-being, it should not be done during a headache. It will trigger a throbbing pain in the head and neck and cause the headache to worsen.
Vitamins & Minerals
Certain vitamins such as niacin and magnesium are helpful at preventing migraine headaches. They can be found in supplement form at any grocery store or vitamin shoppe. Try taking 300-500 mg of niacin when battling a headache in its early stages. Niacin helps the blood rush to the skin, which will provide pain relief. Magnesium is an essential mineral that regulates brain function. One dose of 200 mg of magnesium will help alleviate pain once a headache starts.
Try these at home methods first to find out if they help relieve pain from migraine headaches. These can be used separately or in conjunction with one another for extra relief. If they do not help, then see a doctor or chiropractor for further advice on how to proceed with medication.