What Are the Treatments for Vascular Headaches?
Aspirin, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and prescribed triptan medications are commonly used to relieve vascular headache pain. Calcium channel blockers, antidepressants and anti-seizure medications are often prescribed to prevent vascular headaches.
Biofeedback Training
Biofeedback training helps some vascular headache sufferers gain control over the body functions that might trigger headaches. These functions include muscle tension, brain waves, blood pressure, temperature and heart rate.
Stress Reduction
Many patients with vascular headaches find relief when they learn to manage their stress levels. Common stress reduction techniques include meditation, yoga, tai chi and guided imagery.
Some patients with vascular headaches benefit from eliminating certain foods from their diet. Common triggers of vascular headaches include alcohol and nitrates, which are found in hot dogs, lunch meats, sausage and bacon.
Regular exercise often reduces the severity and frequency of vascular headaches. Many physicians suggest headache suffers try taking brisk walks or swimming every day.
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