Pressure Points to Stop a Headache
The temples are great for massaging in order to relieve headaches. Your temples are located on the sides of your head in a little indentation close to the bottom of your eyebrows. When a headache occurs, place your middle fingers along these indentations. Rub gently for about a minute while taking slow, deep breaths.
Back of the Head
At the back of the head, right above the neck, is a depression at the base of the skull. Using your fingertips or thumbs, gently run your fingers along the bottom of the skull, right above your neck until you feel a depression. Using your thumbs, press into the depression slightly in an upward motion. Hold the pressure and massage in a circular motion for 1 to 2 minutes. If pain begins, ease the pressure a little, while continuing to massage. This is effective for getting rid headaches around the temples and on the side of the head.
The hands have a pressure point that can get rid of headaches. These pressure points are located in the webbing between the thumb and index finger. Use your right thumb and place it on top of the webbing between the thumb and index finger of your left hand. Place your index finger on the right hand on the palm side and pinch the spot but not hard enough to cause pain. While pinching the pressure point, massage it in a small circular motion for 2 minutes. Switch hands and repeat the technique. Using acupressure on this pressure point helps relieve toothaches, headaches and sinus pain.
Feet also have a pressure point for getting rid of headaches. The pressure point is located between your big toe and second toe. Using your thumbs, apply pressure on the top of the foot, right below the big toe and second toe. Massage for a minute while breathing in and out. Repeat on the other foot.