How to Get Rid of a Hangover Headache
Things You'll Need
- Aspirin
- Vitamin B Complex
- Coffee
- Fruit Juice
- Honey
- Willow Bark Capsules
ASPIRIN. It's pain relief in a pill. It doesn't always work but it's your best chance.
Stay away from non-aspirin pain relievers that have acetaminophen. The acetaminophen can interact with any alcohol still in
your system and eventually cause liver problems.Please note: Aspirin can cause stomach bleeding in some folks, so be sure you're stomach can handle aspirin before using.
B-Complex Vitamins. Drinking will reduce your Vitamin B levels, so taking a Vitamin B supplement can help you out of your misery.
Coffee. Most any caffeinated beverage will work by constricting the blood vessels in your head and neck that cause headaches.
Be careful not to drink too much, though. One or two cups should suffice - any more and you'll be jumpy!
Fruit Juice. Juice has fructose, which helps the body process alcohol more quickly.
Honey. Honey also has a lot of fructose.
Eat a light meal including some carbs. Avoid fried and fatty foods.
Try Willow Bark. It's an organic pain reliever. You can get it in capsule form at the local natural food store.
Go to Sleep. In and of itself it won't get rid of your headache, but the time you spend sleeping will put you that much closer to the
headache going away naturally.