Steam Cures for a Sinus Headache
Go into the bathroom and close the door so that you will retain as much steam in the bathroom as possible. You can either get into the shower and turn it on as warm as possible, or you can turn the shower on and just sit in the bathroom without actually getting wet. Slowly breathe in the warm, steamy air. Try to stay in the bathroom or shower for at least 15 minutes. You might want to do this up to 3 or 4 times a day, depending on the severity of your symptoms.
Steam vaporizers heat up water and release steam into the air. Most vaporizers also have a compartment in which you can add liquid medications. These medications are mixtures of oils such as peppermint, eucalyptus and lavender. When the steam begins to rise, the oils mix in and help to open sinus passages.
Boiling Water Tent
Boil a pot of water on the stove. Remove the pot and place it on a table or on the floor. Make a tent by placing a towel over your head. Then lean over the pot and hold the towel out over your head and the pot to trap the steam that is rising. You also can add your own peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender or wintergreen oils to the water in the pot. Use caution, however, since the steam rising will be very hot at first. You may want to let the water cool for a minute or two before inhaling the steam.