Cures for Low-Pressure Sinus Headaches
Treating Sinus Headaches
Antibiotics are one of the best treatments to cure sinus headaches. If antibiotics are prescribed, it is important to complete the full course of the medication. Even if symptoms go away before the medication has all been taken, you should take all of the pills because this can help get rid of germs that cause the sinus infection. Other medications like corticosteroids also may be prescribed if the sinus headache is related to allergies.
Over-the-counter pain relievers, saline sprays and decongestants all can help the headaches go away as well. Read the directions and use the products as directed. You can improve the effectiveness of these medications by drinking plenty of water.
In rare instances, the low-pressure sinus headaches are caused by a structural abnormality in your nose. If this problem contributes to sinusitis or sinus headaches, surgical procedures are sometimes recommended to fix them.
Avoiding Sinus Headaches
Perhaps the best cure for a low-pressure sinus headache is to simply not get the headache in the first place. Although it can typically be difficult to say when you will or will not get a headache, there are things that can be done to increase your chances of avoiding sinus headaches.
One of the most important things you can do is wash your hands frequently. Soap and water are effective at allowing you to avoid many of the upper respiratory infections that ultimately lead to sinusitis and sinus headaches. A flu vaccine also could help reduce the risk of sinus headaches.
Stay away from anything that might irritate your sinuses and thus contribute to a low-pressure headache. Cigarette smoke is one of the biggest irritants. The smoke sometimes causes peoples' mucus membranes to swell, which leads to at least a little bit of pressure and headaches.
A humidifier can be used to make sure that the inside air you are breathing stays moist. It is important to find a good balance with the moisture level in the air. If there is too much humidity in the home, mold and dust mites can grow and lead to an increased risk of being susceptible to sinus headaches.