Relief for Sinus Headaches

Sinus headaches produce a deep, dull, throbbing pain in the front of the face and head. They are caused by inflammation in the sinuses. Leaning over or bending down can worsen the pain of a sinus headache, as can damp or cold weather. Sinus headaches usually start in the morning and are sometimes better by the afternoon. Following are some tips to help you find relief.
  1. Medications

    • Medications used to treat sinus headaches often are prescribed to treat inflammation in the sinuses. Your doctor may suggest antibiotics for sinus headaches if she suspects a bacterial infection or sinusitis is the cause of the headaches.

      The doctor may prescribe nasal corticosteroids to reduce inflammation in the nose and to relieve the runny nose, sneezing and itching that often accompany sinus headaches. Some popular prescription sprays are Beconase, Flonase, Nasonex and Nasocort.

      Antihistamines can be purchased in both nasal spray and oral forms, by prescription or over the counter. These medications block histamine from being released in the body, bringing relief for sinus headaches. Benadryl, Claritin, Allegra and Zyrtec are popular antihistamines.

      Decongestants such as Sudafed and Actifed often are used in combination with antihistamines to relieve sinus headaches.

    Dietary and Nutritional Supplements

    • Probiotics, the friendly bacteria found in yogurt and other foods, can bring relief to sinusitis and, ultimately, to sinus headaches.

      Bromelain, an enzyme that comes from pineapples, helps to reduce swelling and inflammation to relieve the symptoms of sinusitis that cause sinus headaches.

      Quercetin is a plant pigment that produces fruit and vegetable colors. It prohibits the production of histamine, which causes the allergy symptoms that lead to sinus headaches.


    • Eucalyptus is used as an expectorant used to get rid of mucus and to treat flu or cold congestion that lead to sinus headaches.

      Sinupret relieves sinusitis symptoms by thinning mucus and allowing the sinuses to clear, which prevents the sinus headache from developing.

      Essential oil monoterpenes are combined essential oils (eucalyptus, combined with an extract from pine and citrus oil) that relieve respiratory illnesses, such as sinusitis, that lead to sinus headaches.

      Some other herbs that have been found to relieve sinus headaches are feverfew, devil's claw, willow bark and Chinese skullcap.


    • Some sinus headache sufferers find relief with acupuncture, which uses a technique of placing small, slender needles in strategic places on the body to relieve pain. Acupuncture treats energetic imbalances that cause congestion and inflammation in mucus membranes that lead to sinus headaches.


    • For sinus headaches caused by chronic sinusitis that will not respond to medications, your doctor may suggest having endoscopes sinus surgery, which is performed to remove bone spurs or polyps. Sometimes the sinus opening must be enlarged. With balloon rhinoplasty, a new procedure, a balloon is inserted into the sinus cavity and then inflated to open up the cavity and, ultimately, relieve sinus headaches.

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