Chronic Cluster Headache Relief
Keeping a Headache Journal
Many cluster headaches are triggered by the same events over and over. Keeping a headache journal can help you to determine which actions, foods or situations are causing your cluster episodes. Cluster headaches are commonly caused by nitrates found in foods, cigarette smoke, drinking alcohol, irregular sleeping habits and stress. Avoiding these triggers can help to provide relief and minimize the severity of cluster headache episodes.
Getting Stress Relief
Stress is one of the most common triggers for cluster headaches. In order to reduce stress levels, you can avoid stressful situations and people. If that's not possible, stress can be lessened by practicing yoga, doing breathing exercises or using meditation. Aromatherapy, listening to calming music or taking a relaxing bath can also help you to relieve stress.
Taking Prescription Medication
There are many types of prescription medication available for the treatment of cluster headaches. Triptans are acute treatment medications used to treat cluster headaches immediately. Triptans are available as an injection or nasal spray. Ergot-based medications, such as dihydroergotamine, are also helpful for pain relief in cluster headaches and can be administered intravenously or inhaled. Octreotide is an artificial form of somatostatin, which is a hormone found in the brain. This medication is effective for pain relief and can be useful if you have medical problems that prevent you from using other medications