Headache Pain Relief
Tension headaches are often caused by stress, and are the most common type of headaches. To relieve the symptoms, you should try relaxing tight muscles. Try applying heating pads or cold compresses to the area that is hurting. A hot shower can also help relax you and relax the muscles that are causing the headache. Acupuncture and chiropractic treatment may help, as well as mild analgesics, such as Tylenol and Motrin.
Migraines can cause nausea and sensitivity to light. These headaches can be mild to severe and usually require treatment with narcotics, such as Demerol and codeine. This will, of course, involve consulting your physician, and rightfully so if the symptoms are severe. Try lying in a dark, quiet room until the pain subsides. Noise and movement usually worsen the migraine conditions. The best treatment is sleep. Beta blockers can work but may cause lowered blood pressure and pulse. According to Bupa's Health information team, over-the-counter painkillers (such as aspirin, paracetamol and ibuprofen) may be effective in treating the headache symptoms of mild to moderate migraines (see reference 1, below).
Cluster headaches only last a few hours but are severe. These headaches reappear daily and can last for weeks, months or longer. Treatment usually involves narcotics, another time when a physician's input will be needed. These headaches are much like migraines except that they reappear. Cluster headaches often do not respond to any treatment. You should try to stay comfortable and get plenty of rest. It is very important to contact your physician if your headaches come more frequently, you experience a fever with your headaches, you have your first migraine after the age of 50 or if your symptoms of headache are always limited to one side.