Head Pain Relief
Organic Relief
Place five drops of lavender oil in warm water. Take a washcloth and swish the cloth around in the water. Place the compress on your head or your neck. The idea is that this aroma will help to relieve the head pain. In addition to lavender, ingredients such as peppermint, sandalwood or eucalyptus also could be used to help relieve pain.
These oils also can be used in other ways. For example, some people relieve the pain by using lavender, peppermint, eucalyptus or sandalwood oils for massages. In addition to the oils being able to help relieve the pain, touch itself is also a healer.
Lie on your stomach and ask someone to knead your shoulders and the back of your neck while they have lavender oil or some other kind of oil on their hands. Have them press gently but firmly on the base of your skull with their fingers and release slowly.
If there is no one who can help, you can simply rub your fingers over your scalp to reduce the effects of head pain. Even doing something such as pressing on the web between your thumb and index finger is believed to be able to help relieve head pain by sending signals to the brain that relax the pain.
Physical Relief
For some people, one of the best ways to get rid of head pain is to do some light exercises. The important thing to remember when doing exercises to alleviate head pain is that the exercise needs to be eased into. Likewise, the exercise should be gentle. Playing basketball or football will likely not relieve head pain; however taking a walk might. If your headache gets worse, stop the physical activity.
Moving around does not help everybody with head pain, but it does help some head pain sufferers. For best results, choose to walk outside rather than walking on a treadmill. The mixture of the sunlight and the fresh air can prove to be relaxing and alleviate head pain.
In some cases, heat or cold can help relieve head pain. Usually, either heat or cold will help a person--but it is rare that both will help the same person. Do not use extreme heat or extreme cold. If using a cold pack, wrap it in a few layers of a towel before placing it on your neck.
If the head pain is related to sinus pressure, you may want to simply stand in the shower for a few minutes. This can help relieve the pressure in the head and subsequently decrease your head pain.