What Foods Cause Headaches?
Read labels carefully; MSG is not just a Chinese food additive. MSG is a calcium channel opener---it constricts blood vessels, a primary cause of headaches.
Wheat germ, shellfish and nuts contain high levels of copper that can cause headaches in sensitive people. Beware of citrus fruits---they increase copper absorption.
Too much caffeine can cause headaches, but too little---if you're a coffee fiend---can cause them, too. Don't overdo it with the coffee, and cut back slowly if you're trying to quit.
Tryptophan is an amino acid that is found in high protein foods. It is converted by the body to serotonin, a process that can trigger a migraine.
Tyramine is a substance found in many foods including cheese, yogurt and smoked fish. Some people cannot break this substance down fully, and it can cause headaches.
Hot dogs and cured meats contain nitrates. Nitrates can dilate blood vessels, causing---you guessed it---a headache.