Tips to Relieve a Headache
Caffeine is a common drug that is found in many pain medications. It can help relieve a headache if you do have access to pain meds. Or, you can try drinking a can or bottle of Coke. The drink should be consumed quickly for immediate results. This is a temporary fix, but can help to make your headache go away until you are able to take something stronger. Oftentimes this will eliminate the headache for good.
Lie down in a dimly lit or dark room. Make sure that the room is quiet and concentrate on your breathing. Breathe slowly in and out, lying perfectly still. Many times the rest will allow the headache to ease. Lying down also helps distribute the blood in our bodies and allows for excellent circulation. Allow yourself to drop your worries and think only of resting and peace.
Spicy Food
If the headache is caused by congestion, try eating onions or spicy food. The spices will allow the sinuses to drain. The extra drainage will relieve pressure which in turn will ease the headache. A steam vaporizer also will allow the sinuses to drain. Try using Vick's vapor rub or essential oils in the vaporizer. This will help open you up and make the headache go away.