Maxalt Treatment for Headache
Maxalt comes in two forms--a regular pill and a quickly dissolving called Maxalt-MLT. It is thought that the quickly dissolving pill works faster than just the standard pill and also is easier on the stomach of someone suffering from nausea than a regular pill. According to Cerner Multum, Maxalt-MLT is so sensitive to moisture that someone taking it should make sure that both hands are dry before handling the pill.
Maxalt is to be taken as soon as the patient feels that a migraine or cluster headache attack has started. It can be taken on a full or empty stomach. If the migraine or cluster headache is still happening two hours later, then the patient may take another tablet. Tablets come in 5 or 10 milligram tablets. Cerner Multun urges all patients to not take more than 30 milligrams of Maxalt in 24 hours.
Maxalt cannot be taken by pregnant women due to risk of birth defects. Maxalt cannot be taken by anyone who has taken MAOI inhibitors in the last 14 days.
Side Effects
The usual side effects for Maxalt include dry mouth, sleepiness, discomfort or tightness in the neck or jaw and a tingling sensation or a feeling or pressure anywhere on the body. Dangerous side effects include blurred vision, sudden confusion, sharp abdominal pain, bloody stools, breathing problems, severe pain or numbness in the fingers and toes, numbness or loss of coordination on one side of the body, hallucinations and suddenly loosing consciousness. It is strongly recommended to contact a doctor immediately if these side effects occur.
Maxalt is a triptan and unfortunately, all triptans are very expensive. Not all health insurance plans will cover or even partially reimburse triptans like Maxalt. There is no legal generic form of Maxalt. Triptans like Maxalt can also cause severe side effects. According to the Cluster Headaches Worldwide Support Group, Maxalt works very slowly on cluster headaches in comparison to triptan nasal sprays or triptan injections. Unfortunately, Maxalt does not come in either form.