Treatment For Chronic Tension Headaches
OTC Medication
While medications such as ibuprofen and aspirin are commonly used to treat a variety of headaches, there are medications specifically for tension headaches. These medications include active ingredients such as high doses of acetaminophen and caffeine to relieve muscle contractions and reduce tension.
Reduce Stress
Stress is a common cause of chronic tension headaches. Practicing stress managements techniques such as breathing exercises and adopting a positive outlook can reduce stress and tension. Other ways to eliminate stress involve getting adequate rest, exercising and improving your organization skills. Controlling anxiety and depression can also improve your emotional health and stop tension headaches. Talk to your doctor about antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications, or take natural mood stabilizers.
Massage Your Face
The temple area is located on your forehead above the eyes. Close your eyes and slowly massage this area with your fingers. Massaging the temples throughout the day can calm your nerves and relax muscles. This technique helps reduce chronic tension and ease tension-related headaches.
Give Your Eyes a Break
Eyestrain can contribute to chronic tension headaches. This problem commonly affects people who work on a computer. Staring at a bright computer monitor for several hours can tire the eyes and lead to headaches. Adjust your computer's brightness and take periodic breaks to rest your eyes.
Lack of sleep or rest can trigger tension headaches. Improve your sleeping habits and plan to sleep at least eight hours a night. If you're unable to fall asleep, or if you wake up several times throughout the night, drink herbal non-caffeinated tea before bedtime or take a natural supplement to calm your nerves. This will promote restful sleep and ease chronic tension headaches.
Heat and Cold Therapy
Heat and cold are both effective treatments for tension headaches. Heat relaxes muscles and eases tension, whereas cold reduces pain and inflammation. Apply a heated cloth or an ice pack (wrapped in a dry cloth) to your forehead several times a day in 10-minute intervals.