Post Migraine Symptoms
According to the Mayo Clinic, migraines are caused by a neurological disturbance. During a migraine, a chemical imbalance occurs in the brain, including a drop in serotonin, a hormone that regulates pain. This drop triggers the release of neuropeptides, which cause blood vessels in the brain to become inflamed. Migraine sufferers feel the results of this process in symptoms that precede the migraine and continue after the worst part of the attack has ended.
Pre-Migraine Symptoms
From a few hours up to one or two days before a migraine attack, sufferers may notice pre-migraine, or prodrome, symptoms These can include a depressed mood, increased irritability, and/or a craving for carbohydrates. According to the National Headache Foundation, about 20 peercent of migraine sufferers experience an "aura" occurring half an hour to three hours before the actual headache hits. The aura often includes visual disturbances such as the appearance of spots or flashing lights before the eyes, similar to what you might see after looking at the sun or a camera flash. Blurred or jagged vision can also occur, and a small number of migraine sufferers experience olfactory (smell) or auditory (hearing) auras.
Migraine Attack Symptoms
The actual migraine attack is the most acute phase of the process, and it is often debilitating enough to prevent sufferers from attending work or school or performing other daily activities. The attack is characterized by intense, throbbing pain --- often concentrated on one side of the head. This phase can be accompanied by nausea, vomiting, neck pain and sensitivity to light, sounds and smells.
Post Migraine Symptoms
The post-migraine, or postdrome, stage is often referred to as a "migraine hangover." Although the worst of the migraine is over, its effects can linger for up to two days as your brain recovers from the neurological disruption. Post-migraine symptoms include fatigue, a lingering, milder headache, dizziness, depression, loss of appetite, or a "fuzzy-headed" feeling. Some individuals experience an elevated or euphoric mood. Although a sufferer might need to rest during this phase, it is usually possible for them to begin to return to regular activities after the worst of the attack has passed.
Although migraines are painful, they are not life threatening. However, you should see a physician if you experience a severe headache that comes on suddenly or that does not follow your usual headache pattern.