Headache Causes
Poor Posture
Poor posture while sleeping or while awake can be the cause of a headache. There are a plethora of tiny muscles in the neck that are positioned at the base of the skull called suboccipitals. Part of their job is to help with balance of the head and upper body. When someone stands with their head cocked to one side, these muscles cause strain and tension, which can lead to headaches.
Poor Sleeping Habits
If your pillow is too flat or thick, your neck and spine can be thrown out of alignment. Over time, this causes muscle stress that leads to headaches as well as neck and back pain. Sleep on a supportive mattresses, use proper pillow placement and maintain a regular sleep schedule.
Stress can impact your sleeping pattern, which can influence your posture. It also can cause you to strain your mind while searching for answers to worries or problems. Perhaps your eyesight is strained. All of these stresses can manifest itself in the form of a headache.
Most people do not drink nearly enough water every day. This lack of hydration causes the body to dry out, which can be seen superficially with dry skin, dry hair and more frequent headaches. Additionally, water helps to flush out toxins from our bodies. If you don't drink enough water, the residual toxins can result in headaches and sore muscles. It is recommended that you drink at least eight 8 ounce glasses of water a day. Although tea consists of plenty of water, the caffeine counteracts the hydration problem. This is why sodas and coffee actually do the opposite when it comes to hydration.
Allergies can also cause headaches. Take someone who is allergic to pollen for example. The body's natural reaction is to produce mucus to trap the allergen. This excess mucus begins to fill up the sinus passages throughout the face and neck, thereby causing pressure to the allergic person, which can result in a sinus headache.
Always consult a doctor before trying a new medicine program, such as Advil or Tylenol to treat headache pain. Your doctor will inform you if there is any potential interaction between your current medications and anything new.