How to Cure a Fever & Headache
Things You'll Need
- Tylenol
- Advil
- Cold washrag
- Water
Take your recommended dose of Advil. Advil is an ibuprofen and is the fastest working pain reliever and fever reducer.
Take your recommended dose of Tylenol. Tylenol is acetaminophen and can be taken with an ibuprofen to get rid of a high fever or painful headache.
Wet a washrag with cold water and wring it out. Place it over your forehead. This will cool the fever down and help alleviate the pain from the headache. You will need to replace the cool washcloth every 15 minutes.
Drink a cold glass of water. Cold water will help cool the body off from the inside out. Many headaches are caused because of dehydration. By drinking some water you can re-hydrate yourself and cure your headache.
Go back to bed. Sleep in conjunction with the steps above will cure you of your fever and headache. When you sleep your body has a chance to rest and rejuvenate itself. Plus, while you sleep, you won't feel any pain or effects from the fever.