Chronic Sinus Pain Treatment

Sinusitis, sinus infections, allergies, colds, nasal polyps and even stress can cause extreme, chronic sinus pain and pressure. For many, finding a treatment that eases or even cures this ailment can mean the difference between living a happy, healthy life and living in misery.
  1. Nasal Sprays

    • Many people suffering from chronic sinus pain rely on nasal sprays containing saline or cayenne pepper to help alleviate their symptoms.

    Sinus Cleansing

    • Sinus cleansing is one of the easiest--and many people find, most effective--treatments available to help relieve chronic sinus pain. For ultimate relief, sinuses should be cleansed daily.


    • A licensed acupressurist may be able to manipulate the correlating points in the body to help ease pain in the sinuses. Acupuncture is also available as a sinus treatment.

    Sinus Massage

    • Some massage therapists have been trained in a specialized sinus massage technique to help alleviate sinus pain and pressure.


    • Over-the-counter medications such as ibuprofen, naproxen, aspirin or acetaminophen may help control the pain. Antihistamines or decongestants may also help if the pain stems from allergies, a cold and/or congestion.


    • Ultimately, surgery may be needed to relieve chronic sinus pain. Since it is a complicated and delicate surgery--coupled with a long, painful recovery--surgery should be used as a last resort when all other options have failed.

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