Cause & Effects of Migraine Headaches
Migraine headaches are only one symptom associated with migraine disease which researchers have concluded is caused by neurological dysfunction. Although what causes the nerve abnormality is still unknown, the effects of migraines, in addition to headache, include nausea, vomiting and sensitivity to light, sound or smell.
Genetics appear to be involved since several genes have been linked to migraine headaches. It is also accepted that the headaches are brought on by chemical changes in the body but little is confirmed beyond that.
A number of foods have been linked to the onset of migraine headaches, including: cow's milk, wheat, chocolate, eggs, salt, cheese, MSG, alcohol, caffeine and processed meats containing sodium nitrate. Stress, lack of sleep, perfumes and medications can also trigger the headaches.
Migraine headaches involve painful throbbing and pulsing in the head, accompanied by nausea, vomiting, inability to sleep and adverse reactions to light, sound or smell.
Migraine headaches can occur with or without aura. An aura is a sign or sensation that occurs regularly before an attack and alerts you that a migraine headache is to follow. Common auras include flashes of light, blind spots, feeling numb or experiencing tingling.
Centuries ago, sufferers of migraine headaches were thought to be insane but with increased research and technology, the headaches have come to be considered legitimate health ailments.