How to Get Rid of a Headache at Work
Take some medicine. Perhaps the most common solution to a headache is to take some painkillers. Medicines--such as Tylenol and Advil--can alleviate headaches effectively. However, make sure you follow the manufacturer's instructions. Don't exceed the proper dosage. Also, make sure you have your doctor's permission to take such medication.
Give yourself a massage. Rubbing your temples can help alleviate headache pain. Your temples can be found above and outside your eyes, right near your hairline. For added comfort, rub peppermint oil into your temples.
Practice relaxation techniques. Try rhythmic and visualized breathing to soothe your headache. Rhythmic breathing involves taking long, deep breaths. In visualized breathing, envision the tension leaving your body as you breathe. (For more relaxation techniques, see Resources.)
Take a walk. Try to escape your stressful situation by taking a 20-minute walk outside of the office. The combination of the fresh air and exercise will help the tension leave your body.
Eat regularly. Make you eat regular meals to ease your headache and keep future ones at bay. Watch your caffeine intake, as caffeine is known for triggering headaches.