How to Get Rid of Chronic Headaches
Things You'll Need
- Hot compress
- Massage mat
Maintain good posture on a daily basis to get rid of chronic headaches. One of the causes of chronic headaches is an improper sitting and standing posture.
Use a hot compress to get rid of chronic headaches. Reusable compresses can be purchased for around $10.
Perform deep breathing in a reclined position on a daily basis. The National Center for Biotechnology Information states that relaxation techniques such as deep breathing help get rid of chronic headaches (see Resources).
Get a massage, especially around the neck and shoulders. A study reported in the "American Journal of Public Health" states that headache sufferers see pain reduction in as little as 2 weeks (see Resources).
Try acupuncture, a process in which small needles are inserted into pressure points on the body. A research study reported by the Duke University Health System states that acupuncture is more effective than medication in the treatment of chronic headaches (see Resources). Acupuncture, however, can cost approximately $100 per session.
Eat 4 to 6 small, balanced meals every 2 to 3 hours daily to get rid of chronic headaches. The meal should contain protein and good carbohydrates like fruits and vegetables. Irregular eating habits and consuming foods like chocolate and caffeine trigger chronic headaches.
Take over-the-counter or prescription drugs containing aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen or naproxen to get rid of chronic headaches.