Foods That Trigger Headaches
Cultured dairy products such as sour cream, buttermilk and yogurt may trigger headaches. Aged cheeses may, as well. These cheeses, such as blue cheese, brie, feta and Swiss cheese, all contain a natural substance called tyramine, a well-documented cause of headaches.
Chocolate contains caffeine and causes headaches in many people. The overuse of caffeine stimulants or medications with caffeine may cause rebound headaches.
Alcoholic Beverages
Alcoholic beverages increase blood flow to the brain. Some scientists suggest that the headache is caused by impurities or by-products produced in the body, such as those introduced by the consumption of an alcoholic drink.
Processed Meat
Processed meat, such as hot dogs, luncheon meat, bacon and sausage, have food additives and preservatives, including nitrates which are known to provoke a headache.
MSG is a food additive found in many Asian and pre-packaged foods, such as canned soups, frozen dinners and salad dressings. Numerous studies have shown that consumption of MSG causes headaches.
Smoked Meat or Fish
Many people complain that eating smoked meat or fish can trigger headaches. Smoked meat generally contains sulfites and nitrites, both of which can cause headaches.
Dried Fruit
Sulfites, a preservative known to cause headaches, are often found in dried fruits, such as figs, dates and prunes.