Fast Hangover Cures
Drink two glasses of water before you start drinking. After drinking two alcoholic drinks, drink one full glass of water. Repeat as necessary. When you wake up in the morning drink two glasses of water. After waiting two hours drink two more glasses of water. Keeping your body hydrated prevents a headache.
Eat a greasy meal of french fries and fried fish, fried chicken or a hamburger to give your stomach something to digest while you're sleeping. Fat digests slowly and protects the stomach from alcohol's ill effects. In the morning have a tall glass of orange juice as drinking alcohol depletes the body of vitamin C; replenishing the supply keeps you from feeling nauseous and speeds the alcohol through the liver.
Put in a glass about an ounce of raw oysters, a tablespoon of hot sauce and a squeeze of lemon. Cover the oysters with tomato juice and drink down the concoction all in one shot.
"Hair of the Dog" cure is a tall Bloody Mary made with a shot of vodka, a teaspoon of Worcestershire sauce, a squeeze of lemon topped off with eight ounces of tomato juice cocktail. Add salt and pepper to taste and a celery stalk.
That shaky feeling you get when hung over is due to the fact that you are suffering from low blood sugar and you need some carbohydrates. Have some buttered toast and jam or a bowl of cereal and some orange juice to stop the shakes.
Considerably effective for curing a hangover fast are three raw eggs broken into a glass with a good dash of Tabasco and a squeeze of Worcestershire sauce. Give the concoction a quick stir and drink it down all at once. Eggs remove toxins from the body and aid in feeling better fast.
Cookies and Soda
Try chocolate chip cookies and 7Up soda pop. The cookies and soda pop will give you an energy boost and replenish low blood sugar, making you feel as right as rain again in no time.