How to Overcome Migraine Headaches
One of the most important steps is to know what causes your migraines. To do this, you may want to keep a journal. you will want to think back the day before a migraine started and document what you did, what you ate and how you felt. This will help you see trends. For myself, I know that stress and very bright sunlight will trigger a migraine. For some people certain foods such as chocolate and alcohol can trigger a migraine. For others it might be a hormonal thing.
Once you have figured out what triggers your migraines then you need to actively avoid those triggers. In the case of particular foods, it is easy to know what to do. If you know chocolate gives you migraines then you know you should not eat chocolate. Of course, it is always easier said than done. It might be easy to know what to do, but very hard to actually do it. If stress triggers migraines for you, then you should learn how to avoid and cope with stress. If sunlight causes migraines, then you might want to make sure you have sunglasses with you wherever you go.
If you happen to get a migraine, it is useful to learn the very beginning symptoms. It is easier to head off a migraine than to get rid of a full-blown migraine. Learning coping techniques that work for you when you do get a migraine. This make take trial and error.
Try massage. Massaging the back of your neck or the back of your head may help you overcome your migraine.
Try heat or cold. Try applying heat or cold packs to your head or your neck. Or alternating between heat and cold can be very effective.
Keep it dark. Once you are stricken with a migraine, lay in a dark room, especially with a heat or cold pack from step #5.
Try caffeine. Caffeine is very good in helping overcome migraine pain. Drink coffee or other caffeine containing beverages at the first sign of migraine trouble. Over the counter migraines medicines contain caffeine.
If none of these things seem to give you relief from your migraines, you can see your doctor. There are many prescription medicines that can prevent migraines or cure them once they start.