How to Alleviate Chronic Headaches With Food
Be careful with caffeine. Caffeine is a widely used substance that comes not only in coffee, but also tea, chocolate, certain medications and soft drinks. When used regularly, a caffeine dependency can form and withdrawing the substance may lead to severe headaches. Avoiding caffeine completely or limiting use may be the best avenue to decrease headaches.
Take away the tyramine. Tyramine is a substance in certain foods that appears after the breakdown of protein. Sensitivity to tyramine may cause acute headaches. Foods high in tyramine include aged cheeses, processed meats, pickles, olives and some wines.
Skip the additives. Many foods contain certain additives like artificial flavors, colors, or sweeteners, which may be the culprits behind nasty headaches. These additives may change the amount of blood flow to the brain and trigger a headache.
Steer clear of MSG. MSG, or monosodium glutamate, is an additive found in many Chinese dishes and has been linked to headaches and migraines. This ingredient is designed to enhance the flavor of your food; however, headache sufferers beware, this item could be causing your headaches.
Go easy on the alcohol. Due to the increase in blood flow to the brain during alcohol consumption, this substance may bring on headaches. In addition, certain alcohols have other components that may induce headaches, such as nitrates found in wine.
Watch your blood sugar levels. Headaches are a common symptom in people suffering from low blood sugar levels. It may be an issue of hypoglycemia or it may simply be skipped meals. Whatever the case, frequent meals throughout the day may help alleviate these headaches.