How to Deal With a Hangover
Things You'll Need
- A comfy bed
- A washcloth
- Orange juice
- Water
- Sports drinks
- Honey
- Lemon
- Dry toast
- Pain relievers
Stay in bed. Cancel or reschedule until later in the day whatever you're supposed to do that morning. If you've got a whopper of a hangover, it's going to take you at least as long to get over it as it did to bring it on in the first place.
Run cold water over a washcloth, wring it out, and place it on your forehead as you recline on your bed. Rest for as long as you can and try not to think too hard.
Start rehydrating your body by drinking lots of room temperature water. If water is too boring for you, you can substitute orange juice or sports drinks.
Put a few drops of honey in your water to make your throat feel less scratchy. A squirt of lemon will also help, plus it provides you with another zap of vitamin C.
Make yourself a few slices of crunchy dry toast. Yes, it sounds pretty dull to eat toast without the added flavor of butter, jam or marmalade spread on its surface, but your stomach is not up for adventure right now. Didn't it have enough adventure last night?
Take aspirin or ibuprofen to deal with your headache.
Take a long shower.
Engage in some exercise that will get your heart pumping and your body sweating.
Abstain from making any important decisions until you are clear headed again.