How to Sinus Buster Nasal Spray
Things You'll Need
- Sinus Buster Nasal Spray
- Tissues
Remove the bottle of nasal spray from the box or packaging before you use it. You’ll notice that it looks like a small bottle, but it also comes with a spray nozzle. Unscrew the regular lid or cap on the bottle, puncture the top and screw on the spray attachment.
Blow your nose into a tissue making sure to get all the mucus out of your nose. Wait a few seconds and blow your nose a second time--just to make sure.
Hold the bottle under your nostril and breathe in deeply as you squeeze the bottle to give yourself one good spray. Wait a few seconds and do the same thing to your other nostril.
Exhale deeply into a tissue, blowing out any mucus you might have in your nose. If you think you just blew out the spray, go ahead and repeat the last step, but wait a few seconds before you blow into the tissue this time.
Repeat the process twice a day for ten days and you should see a noticeable improvement.