How to Use Feverfew to Treat a Migraine
Things You'll Need
- Physician diagnosis
- Feverfew
Check your symptoms to determine if you are truly suffering from migraines or if your headaches are caused by another factor that requires different treatment. Typical symptoms of a migraine include intense throbbing pain that gets worse with activity, nausea, sensitivity to light, sensitivity to sound and cold hands and feet. Migraine headaches usually start in one location and then spread to other regions and worsen over time.
See a physician to get properly diagnosed. Diagnosis usually requires a detailed medical history and physical exam. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computerized tomography (CT) scans may also be used to rule out other conditions.
Develop a treatment plan with your doctor. Your treatment program may consist of either abortive treatment (treatment at onset of migraine), prophylactic treatment (preventative treatment) or a combination of both. Doctors use a variety of different prescription medications to treat migraines.
Work with your doctor to find the right treatment for your migraines. Often it take some trial and error to find the right combination of medications to treat and/or prevent your headaches.
Talk to your doctor about using feverfew to treat your migraines if you are unsuccessful with traditional medical intervention. Feverfew has been used for years to prevent headaches in frequent migraine sufferers.
Determine which preparation of feverfew you would prefer to use. Feverfew is available in fresh or dried leaf form, capsules, tablets and liquid extracts. There is no evidence that one form of feverfew is better than another to treat migraines.
Use feverfew every day to prevent migraine headaches. Adults can take a standard dosage of feverfew up to four times a day.