How to Define Butalbital
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Butalbital has the following chemical composition: 5-allyl-5-isobutylbarbituric acid. Chemical composition not only refers to the compounds present but also the manner in which they are arranged. Two substances can have identical chemical compositions and be completely different based on the arrangement of where the chemicals are located within the structure.
Know that Butalbital is an intermediate-acting barbiturate composed of both an analgesic (pain-managing substance) and a sedative. It is can also be composed of caffeine and a sedative or caffeine, an analgesic and a sedative. The analgesic can be aspirin or acetaminophen.
Consider that Butalbital is available by prescription only and has various trade names based on its composition. Butalbital with acetaminophen is sold under the names Axocet, Bucet, Bupap, Cephadyn, Dolgic, Phrenilin, Phrenilin Forte and Sedapap. Butalbital with acetaminophen and caffeine is sold under the names Fioricet, Esgic, Esgic-Plus. Butalbital with aspirin is called Axotal. Butalbital with aspirin and caffeine is known as Fiorinal, Fiormor, Fiortal, Fortabs, and Laniroif.