Headaches in Winter
Eat Healthily
Eating healthily can reduce the risk of triggering a headache during winter. You should eat balanced meals that incorporate vegetables and fruit such as apples, which are recommended as a healing food by BestHomeRemedies.com due to a detoxifying ingredient called pectin. You should also include protein such as chicken. Eating chicken soup can be a good treatment for a winter headache according to AmazingHealing.com as chicken has a natural antibiotic content. Drinking eight glasses of water a day can also help prevent headaches as dehydration is a common cause of headaches, states Headache Expert on their website. According to Path2HealthyLiving.com, drinking green tea can also help to build the body's immune system to fight off viruses such as colds and flu.
Getting eight hours of sleep a night can aid in both the prevention and the treatment of winter headaches. According to HealthCentral.com, having restful sleep that is uninterrupted is important for the treatment of headaches.
Keep Warm
Wrapping up warm during winter can help to avoid headaches as the body is protected against blasts of cold wind, which can cause flu like symptoms including headaches. You should wear warm clothing that especially covers the chest, neck and head.