How to Overcome the Head Pain Caused by Screaming
Things You'll Need
- Cool washcloth compress
- Fluids for rehydration
- Over-the-counter pain medication
Stop screaming and allow your body to relax and calm down. Even if you are not screaming out of anger or intense emotions, you body will be tense from the shouting, which will tighten the muscles in the head and neck and contribute to your head pain.
Remove yourself from any situation that is upsetting you and causing you to scream, especially if it is potentially hazardous to your health.
Rehydrate yourself with water or another healthy liquid. Screaming can cause you to lose moisture in your body and dehydrate your system, which is a common cause of head pain. A hot drink, such as tea, can soothe your throat and vocal chords if they feel damaged from the screaming episode. Web MD recommends avoiding beverages containing alcohol as this can aggravate your existing head pain.
Perform relaxation techniques, such as stretching, deep breathing, meditation or receiving a massage on your upper shoulders, neck and head.
Take a hot bath or use a cool washcloth as a compress over your eyes and head to reduce tension and help to overcome your headache. Add an essential oil, such as lavender or jasmine, to your bath or compress to help promote relaxation.
Sit or rest in a dark room where there is no bright or loud stimulation that could potentially aggravate your symptoms. You should also refrain from speaking to rest the muscles in your throat and neck that were overexerted.
Take the recommended dosage of the over-the-counter pain reliever of your choice. Repeat as necessary when recommended by the medication's specific instructions.
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