How do I Treat Headaches From Neck Stress?
Things You'll Need
- Massaging device
- NSAIDs or aspirin
- Heating pad
Massage Massage your neck and head. Rubbing your temples will alleviate some of the discomfort of the headache. Place one hand on either side of your neck and gently push on the muscles and tendons. This will help relieve some the tension in the neck and will reduce the headache after a while. If you have difficulty massaging your own neck, invest in a massaging device or ask someone to help you.
Shower Heat therapy or a hot shower can often bring relief. Heat can relax muscles that are strained. Put a heating pad on the back or sides of your neck and leave it there for about 20 minutes. After that time, you should notice the muscle stress in your neck decrease. The headache should also diminish over time. A hot shower will have the same effect. Stand under the hot spray of the shower and let the water hit the back and sides of your neck. The muscles in your neck should relax in a few minutes.
Meditation Relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga can help relieve a headache that is brought on by neck stress. These relaxation techniques will also help relax the muscles in your neck. Set up a daily meditation or yoga practice to keep the neck loose and limber. This will help stop headaches before they start.
Proper posture can help alleviate a headache and neck stress. If you have a tendency to slouch, you put strain on your neck muscles and tendons, which can cause them to contract more than they should. Sit or stand with your neck and back straight. As soon as you realize you are slouching, correct your posture.
Aspirin Take NSAIDs or aspirin to help alleviate the pain of a headache. The medication can also help relive muscle tension in your neck, causing your headache to go away. However, these over-the-counter medications only temporarily relieve symptoms. The best long-term preventive is correcting your posture and practicing exercises that keep the neck limber. Check with your doctor before taking NSAIDs or aspirin.