Clinical Signs of Heart Failure

Clinical heart failure is a major concern in the United States. According to the American Heart Association, heart failure can come on suddenly bringing with symptoms such as shortness of breath and confusion. Heart disease is a problem in Americans because of the standard American diet. Many people eat fatty or sugar-laden foods that are loaded with bad fats such as triglycerides. These fats clog arteries resulting in heart disease.
  1. Heart Palpitations

    • The American Heart association says heart palpitations are a sign of heart failure. This is an irregular heartbeat that speeds up and then slows down. Heart palpitations can also be caused from excess sugar, medications or medications, but if you suffer with heart palpitations often, you should see a doctor for a heart check up. Sometimes a person will only notice irregular heart beats when lying down and being still.

      Losing weight and improving dietary habits can reduce the instance of heart-related problems. Often heart disease develops over many years, but if you begin eating poorly at a young age, you can develop heart disease much sooner in life.

    Shortness of Breath

    • The American Heart Association also says that shortness of breath is another sign of heart failure. This results from a lack of oxygen to the heart. When you struggle to breathe, something is wrong inside your body. This is a sign that your heart is losing the momentum to pump blood throughout your body. Your heart can become weak and stop working.

      This is common in elderly people causing death from old age. People with heart disease will notice these symptoms much earlier in their life. If you find that you need to prop your head up to breathe at night and your nasal passages are clear, this could be a sign that something is wrong. See your doctor for a proper diagnosis.

    Chest Pain

    • The Mayo Clinic says chest pain is a sign of heart failure. Chest pains can be intense or mild depending on whether you are having a small or severe heart attack. This type of pain has been described as feeling like there is an elephant sitting on your chest. The pain feels like a combination of stabbing pains along with intense pressure. If you are having chest pains often, see your doctor right away or go the emergency room.

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