What are the warning signs of a heart attack?
* Chest pain or discomfort. This is the most common symptom of a heart attack. The pain is typically described as pressure, squeezing, or tightness in the chest. It may also feel like a burning or aching sensation. The pain can last for more than a few minutes and may come and go.
* Shortness of breath. This is another common symptom of a heart attack. You may feel like you can't catch your breath or that you're suffocating. Shortness of breath can occur with or without chest pain.
* Pain in the arms, neck, back, or jaw. The pain from a heart attack can sometimes spread to other parts of the body, such as the arms, neck, back, or jaw.
* Nausea, vomiting, or light-headedness. These symptoms can also be signs of a heart attack.
* Sweating. Cold sweats are a common symptom of a heart attack.
* Fatigue. You may feel very tired or weak before or during a heart attack.
If you experience any of these symptoms, it's important to call 911 immediately. Don't wait to see if the symptoms go away.
Some people may have a silent heart attack, which is a heart attack that doesn't cause any symptoms. Silent heart attacks are more common in people with diabetes or high blood pressure.
If you have any risk factors for heart disease, it's important to be aware of the warning signs of a heart attack. If you experience any of these symptoms, call 911 immediately.