How are the following organs affected by sympathetic and parasympathetic system heart intestines blood vessels bronchi eyes?
* Heart: Increased heart rate, force of contraction, and conduction velocity.
* Intestines: Decreased motility and secretion.
* Blood vessels: Vasoconstriction (narrowing of blood vessels), increased blood pressure.
* Bronchi: Bronchodilation (widening of airways).
* Eyes: Mydriasis (widening of pupils).
Parasympathetic System
* Heart: Decreased heart rate, force of contraction, and conduction velocity.
* Intestines: Increased motility and secretion.
* Blood vessels: Vasodilation (widening of blood vessels), decreased blood pressure.
* Bronchi: Bronchoconstriction (narrowing of airways).
* Eyes: Miosis (narrowing of pupils).