How to Detect Heart Problems
Regularly visit your physician. Yearly physicals increase the likelihood of finding heart problems. Report any unusual chest pain to your doctor so that any complications can be treated and monitored safely.
Get an electrocardiogram test. This effective test records the electrical activity of the heart and makes a physical graph representation of the results. Your doctor can read the results and detect any irregular rhythms or muscle damage.
Receive a heart MRI. A heart MRI can detect 88 percent of cases of coronary heart disease (see reference 1). This test is effective because it is not invasive and provides doctors with a detailed representation of the heart.
Complete a stress test. This test monitors blood pressure, the heart, and breathing while the patient walks or runs on a treadmill. Abnormalities of heartbeat or any other irregularities will show up during this test.
Go immediately to your doctor if you suspect any heart problems. Chest pain or other worrisome signs should be addressed quickly to avoid further damaging the heart.