How to Reduce Rapid Heart Rate
Things You'll Need
- Decaffeinated drinks
- Quiet room
Slow Down Tachycardia
Reduce or eliminate your caffeine intake. Drinks such as coffee, tea and soda contain caffeine, which stimulates the body's central nervous system, which in turns increases the heart rate, according to Medline Plus. Even small amounts of caffeine can increase heart rates; if necessary, eliminate all caffeine by drinking decaffeinated coffee, tea or soda.
Participate in breathing exercises and relaxation techniques. Go to a quiet room and take deep, consistent breaths in and out through your nose. This can help calm you and lower your heart rate.
Stress and anxiety levels can increase heart rate; relaxation techniques such as autogenic relaxation can help lower heart rates. To perform this technique, repeat words or phrases in your mind to relax your muscles. Alternately, try visualization: Envision a peaceful place where you would like to go. When envisioning this place, focus on the sensory experiences---sights, smells, sounds, etc.---you might have there.
Stop bad habits such as smoking and alcohol usage. As soon as you inhale tobacco smoke, heart rate begins to rise due to the carbon monoxide entering your lungs. According to, heart rate can increase as much as 30 percent within 10 minutes of lighting up. Alcohol consumption also increases heart rates; eliminate alcohol consumption from your lifestyle.