What happens if endocarditis is not treated?
1. Heart Damage: Endocarditis damages the heart valves and can lead to significant heart problems. The infection can cause the valves to become scarred, thickened, or even perforated, leading to valvular regurgitation or stenosis. This can disrupt the normal blood flow through the heart, resulting in heart failure and other complications.
2. Stroke: Endocarditis can cause the formation of blood clots on the infected heart valves. These blood clots can break off and travel through the bloodstream, potentially blocking arteries in the brain and causing a stroke.
3. Embolic Events: Embolic events occur when fragments of infected material from the heart, such as small vegetations or blood clots, break off and travel to different parts of the body through the bloodstream. These emboli can block arteries, leading to various complications depending on the affected organ or tissue. Embolic events can affect the brain (causing stroke), kidneys, spleen, lungs, skin, and other organs.
4. Kidney Failure: Endocarditis can cause inflammation of the kidneys, known as glomerulonephritis. Severe glomerulonephritis can lead to kidney failure, requiring dialysis or kidney transplantation.
5. Heart Abscess: Untreated endocarditis can progress to form an abscess, which is a collection of pus within the heart muscle. Heart abscesses can further damage the heart and increase the risk of heart failure.
6. Systemic Infections: The bacteria or other microorganisms that cause endocarditis can spread throughout the body, leading to systemic infections. This can manifest as fever, chills, weight loss, weakness, and other systemic symptoms.
7. Sepsis: In severe cases, endocarditis can lead to sepsis, a life-threatening condition characterized by an overwhelming systemic inflammatory response to infection. Sepsis can cause organ failure, shock, and multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (MODS).
Due to the potential for severe complications, it is crucial to diagnose and treat endocarditis promptly. Early detection and appropriate antibiotic therapy can significantly improve the chances of a successful recovery and minimize the risk of complications.
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