What do you if someone shows signals of heart attack?
1. Call emergency services:
- Dial the emergency number (911 or your local equivalent) immediately. If the person is unconscious, unresponsive, or not breathing, perform CPR while waiting for help to arrive.
2. Stay calm:
- It's understandable to feel stressed in this situation, but try to remain as calm as possible. This will help you think clearly and act effectively.
3. Recognize the signs:
- Common heart attack symptoms include chest pain or discomfort (often described as pressure, tightness, or squeezing), pain spreading to the arms, neck, back, or jaw, shortness of breath, nausea, vomiting, lightheadedness, or fainting.
4. Comfort the person:
- Help the person get into a comfortable position, such as sitting upright or lying down with their head slightly elevated. Loosen any tight clothing around their neck.
5. Don't give food, water, or medication:
- Unless specifically directed by a medical professional, avoid giving the person any food, water, or medication.
6. If available, take an aspirin (if not allergic):
- Unless the person is allergic to aspirin, they can take a single low-dose (325 mg) aspirin to help thin their blood and improve blood flow to the heart.
7. Stay with the person:
- Reassure the person and provide emotional support while you wait for emergency help to arrive.
Remember, time is critical in the case of a heart attack. The sooner the person receives medical attention, the better their chances of recovery.