What does it mean when you feel a heartbeat ion your arm and back?
It is very unlikely that you are feeling actual heartbeats in your arm and back, as the heart is located in the center of the chest. What you are feeling may be a pulse. A pulse is the rhythmic expansion and contraction of an artery as blood is pumped through it. You can feel your pulse by placing a finger over an artery, such as the radial artery in your wrist or the carotid artery in your neck. The pulse rate is the number of pulses per minute and is a measure of your heart rate.
If you are feeling a pulse in your arm and back, it is likely that you have good circulation and that your heart is pumping blood effectively. However, if you are experiencing any chest pain, shortness of breath, or dizziness, you should seek medical attention immediately, as these could be signs of a heart condition.
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