What is expansion and recoil of an artery during heart activity?
1. Systole (Heart Contraction):
- During systole, the heart's ventricles contract, increasing the pressure inside them.
- This high pressure forces blood out of the ventricles and into the arteries.
- As the blood enters the arteries, the arterial walls stretch and expand to accommodate the increased blood volume. This expansion of the arteries is known as arterial expansion.
2. Diastole (Heart Relaxation):
- After systole, the ventricles relax, causing the pressure inside them to decrease.
- The reduced pressure allows the arteries to recoil back to their original size. This process is known as arterial recoil.
- The elastic recoil of the arteries helps maintain blood pressure during diastole and ensures a continuous flow of blood to the body's organs and tissues.
The expansion and recoil of arteries play a crucial role in regulating blood pressure and maintaining circulation throughout the body. The elasticity of the arterial walls allows them to expand and recoil with each heartbeat, accommodating the varying blood flow demands of the body.