Male Heart Attack Symptoms
Chest Pain
If you are about to have a heart attack, you might experience angia (pain in your chest), or upper abdomen area. Often time you might feel as if you cannot breathe. If you are experiencing chest pain, please contact your doctor or emergency services.
Shortness of Breath
Shortness of breath is a very common symptom of a heart attack. Shortness of breath happens when the blood in your body gets backed up in your blood vessels. Blood vessels relay blood from your lungs to your heart. If you are experiencing shortness of breath, contact your doctor or emergency services.
Heart Pounding
If your heart feels like it is pulsing or racing quickly, you might have (palpitations). Palpitations mean your heart pounding. This feeling is brought on by your heart having to speed up in order to balance out your body's blood flow. If you are having a heart attack, your heart may be failing to pump your blood to all of your organs at a normal pace.
Arrhythmias are irregular heartbeats. If you have an arrhythmia, then you might experience one of the above described symptoms like shortness of breath, heavy heart pounding and even fainting.
Fainting is also a cause for panic when it comes to the symptoms of a heart attack. Fainting is caused when the heart can't pump enough blood to your brain. Fainting may also happen when your heart is beating at an irregular pace.
What Causes a Heart Attack?
A heart attack is caused by damage to the heart because it might have an artery that is blocked. An artery that is blocked will either slow or totally stop blood flow to the body.
Most of the deaths that pertain to heart attacks happen about three to four hours following the heart attack symptoms. Any person experiencing any of the mentioned symptoms of a heart attack should contact her doctor or emergency services. If you chew asparin, you can reduce the size of the blood clot until help arrives. Emergency services might also provide you with a (beta-blocker). A beta-blocker reduces your heart rate so that your heart won't have to work as hard to pump blood to your body.