How to Recognize Signs of a Heart Attack in a Male
Recognizing the Signs
Chest pain is the first sign that indicates a man may be experiencing a heart attack. The pain doesn't have to be intense---perhaps just a feeling of pressure, squeezing, heaviness, tightness or numbness. This feeling may last for more than a few minutes; it may also go away and then resurface.
Abdominal pain is another common complaint a man might have prior to being diagnosed with a heart attack. He may mistake this feeling for indigestion or heartburn.
Other areas of the body where he may experience pain or discomfort are the arms, neck and back. Because pain in the left arm is a well-known sign of a heart attack, he may begin showing signs of anxiety, such as breaking out in a cold sweat or losing color in his skin.
In many cases, it's when a man experiences shortness of breath---or has difficulty breathing---that he or a person nearby takes notice. Dizziness may accompany this feeling, along with feeling weak, lightheaded or nauseous.
A person may collapse and lose consciousness during a heart attack. He may or may not respond to commands and questions. His pulse may race or his heart could stop beating.