How to Recognize Signs of a Heart Attack in a Male

The American Heart Association reports that an estimated one out of every five deaths in the United States is caused by a heart attack. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, heart disease is the No. 1 cause of death among men. If you're with someone who clutches his chest and falls to the floor, it's obvious that something is wrong. But all too often, symptoms of a heart attack are not that blatant. In fact, men are more likely than not to take an aspirin and go to bed when experiencing symptoms of a heart attack.


  1. Recognizing the Signs

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      Chest pain is the first sign that indicates a man may be experiencing a heart attack. The pain doesn't have to be intense---perhaps just a feeling of pressure, squeezing, heaviness, tightness or numbness. This feeling may last for more than a few minutes; it may also go away and then resurface.

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      Abdominal pain is another common complaint a man might have prior to being diagnosed with a heart attack. He may mistake this feeling for indigestion or heartburn.

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      Other areas of the body where he may experience pain or discomfort are the arms, neck and back. Because pain in the left arm is a well-known sign of a heart attack, he may begin showing signs of anxiety, such as breaking out in a cold sweat or losing color in his skin.

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      In many cases, it's when a man experiences shortness of breath---or has difficulty breathing---that he or a person nearby takes notice. Dizziness may accompany this feeling, along with feeling weak, lightheaded or nauseous.

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      A person may collapse and lose consciousness during a heart attack. He may or may not respond to commands and questions. His pulse may race or his heart could stop beating.

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