How to Stop Beta Blockers
Things You'll Need
- Beta blockers prescription
- Bach's Rescue Remedy
Ask your doctor about discontinuing taking beta blockers. If you have a heart condition, you may need to stay on some form of beta blockers. Otherwise, your doctor may approve another medication you can take instead.
Discontinue your dose slowly. First, take about two-thirds of the amount you would usually take. After several weeks of feeling normal, start taking half of the amount you would usually take. After several weeks of feeling normal on this dose, take one-third of what you would normally take. Finally, reduce your dose to zero.
Monitor your blood pressure. Regardless of whether you have been taking beta blockers as a blood pressure medication, discontinuing beta blockers will cause your blood pressure to become higher. Use a blood pressure cuff to take your blood pressure daily--if you experience blood pressure over 140/90, call your doctor.
Report any side effects to your doctor. If during your decrease in dosage, you start getting headaches, experience anxiety or notice any other disconcerting side effect contact your doctor immediately.
If you were taking beta blockers for anxiety, take a homeopathic anxiety remedy instead, like Bach's Rescue Remedy. It can be purchased from your local health food store. If you are still feeling anxious, consult a psychiatrist who will prescribe you with an anti-anxiety drug, like Xanax.