Heart Medicine Side Effects
Antiarrhythmics help with heart rhythm disorders. Antiarrhythmics slow down the electricity that is coursing through the heart, allowing the heart to start beating normally again. However, these medicines can cause severe skin reactions and a reduction in male fertility.
Statin drugs are designed to help lower cholesterol, but recent reports have found that statin drugs raise a woman's chance for heart disease 10 percent. Statins can also cause muscle pain, weakness, neuropathy, dizziness, cognitive problems, cancer, depression and problems with the pancreas.
Blood Thinners
Blood thinners help with both high blood pressure and heart problems by making it easier for blood to pass through arteries. But one of the blood thinners, plavix, has been found to cause heart failure, stroke, ulcers, Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpora and death. Another blood thinner, Trasylol, has been recalled for causing kidney failure.
Rate Control
The rate control drug digitalis helps increase the flow of blood within the arteries. Digitalis can cause dizziness, blurred vision, weakness, confusion, depression, nausea, erectile dysfunction and breast enlargement in men. Some individuals have also experienced headaches and sensitivity to light.
Nitroglycerin is a vasodilator that encourages the arteries to expand, making it easier for blood to flow through the veins. Nitroglycerin usually has no side effects, though some who have taken nitroglycerin have experienced dizziness, lightheadedness or fainting. Others have experienced allergic reactions to nitroglycerin.